What is SEO/SMO/PPC?
- Launching a website is not in itself sufficient to get you traffic and sales. It must be supported by adequate search engine optimization, pay per click campaigns and social media optimization. Digital India Marketing offer you specialized SEO/PPC/SMO services in modular and affordable bundles to help your site gain high visibility, high traffic, high ranking and high conversions.
What we do:
- SEO: modular packages designed according to your needs and budgets in a flexible way. SEO includes onsite optimization of design, structure, keywords, meta titles, navigation and content. Offsite SEO covers back link building, article writing and posting, content marketing and generating organic traffic increase through white hat methods aligned with search engine algorithms.
- PPC: It is easy to spend money on PPC campaigns but to spend in a way that optimizes returns requires in-depth research, choice of keywords, a customized tactical strategy and deployment in chosen target regions backed by continuous monitoring and fine tuning.
- Rich content written by specialist writers
- SMO: Our SMO services help create the right online brand identity for you and your company, an ever widening circle of followers, creation of select groups and a highly visible presence that leads to rise in targeted traffic with consequent revenue inflows.
Effective Yet Affordable SEO / SMO / SME / PPC Marketing
Why SEO / SMO / SME ?
Search engine optimization (SEO)
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a set of strategies with the broad goal of bringing more people to your website the first way, by improving your search engine rankings. Social media optimization (SMO) can be one part of SEO—but it also contributes to all three ways people find you online.
What is Social Media Optimization?
Obviously, SMO has to do with social networks and their growing importance to business. This aspect of optimization deals with enhancing your company’s presence and online reputation through interactive communities—not just Facebook and Twitter, but also blogs, forums, and anywhere your business is mentioned or linked to socially.
Working with SMO can help you strengthen your brand and boost visibility, as well as generate leads and increase sales. Optimizing your social media builds both familiarity with and trust for your business, because consumers will see you not only mentioned, but recommended by others.
Google Hummingbird: Why You Need SMO?
In the last month or so, Google quietly launched a major overhaul of their search algorithm. Dubbed Hummingbird because of its speed and precision, the new algorithm changes the way Google interprets search terms—and changes the weight of some factors that drive search rankings.
Social shares are more important in calculating rankings now, and they’re apt to contribute even more in the near future. The Hummingbird algorithm values quality content that is relevant, authoritative, and shareable. So the more your content has been shared across social media, the higher its perceived quality—and the better you’ll rank on Google.
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Sara Wilsson
Since when we have been using the edge of Digital India Marketing IT Solutions we have started enjoying an altogether new experience of excellence.
Jena Karlis
Store Owner
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